Online Tutoring Opportunities

BookNook’s K–8 synchronous online learning platform is designed to help schools easily implement high-impact tutoring to improve reading and math skills. Join our talented team of tutors!

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BookNook Tutor

Online Tutoring Jobs You'll Love

Make a meaningful impact

Our district partners identify which students require reading or math support, so you’ll tutor kids who truly need it—not just those who can afford it.

Use fantastic teaching tools

BookNook’s powerful, intuitive tutoring platform lets you work from anywhere with a browser. Our research-based curriculum frees you from lesson planning.

Build your perfect schedule

We give you the flexibility to set your own schedule. Take your pick of available programs, and scale your hours up or down when you need to.


BookNook Has Your Back

BookNook Tutor

Pick the programs you want, year-round

BookNook’s network of districts and educational organizations lets our tutors earn extra income throughout the year. Each tutoring opportunity is 2–5 days per week for multiple weeks. You choose the series of appointments you want.

BookNook Tutor

Be supported within our community

When you join our team, you’ll be welcomed into the online Tutor Community, where our energized, talented tutors meet and share experiences. You’ll also find tech support, teaching tips, professional development, and resources to support your work and your tutoring business.


Feel the joy of student progress

We set our tutors—and students—up for success. Our brand of high-dosage tutoring is synchronous, live on video, grounded in research and proven to work!

Make a difference for students who need it most!